Saturday, May 4

Japanese IT start-up offers services to RamaDBK to increase customer base in Africa.

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Mr. Sawaki is working for an IT company that is developing a new portal website to help African customers to purchase vehicles securely from Japan. The service of his company has just been launched and he is looking for some new members to increase the number of vehicles offered to customers. Mr. Sawaki has been working in the second hand vehicle business for many years and he has also spent several years in Africa, in Botswana, in Kenya and in Uganda. He can boast a very large firsthand knowledge of the car market in all those countries. The originality of the service of Zigen, the company of Mr. Sawaki, consists in setting some offices in African countries to make the payments easier and the business relation more secure for final customers in Africa. RamaDBK has been selling vehicles in Africa for 30 years and is ready to consider valuable opportunities with new partners. Within a short time, RamaDBK may also begin  offering vehicles through the services of the company of Mr. Sawaki.

RamaDBK was a pioneer in the use of Internet to offer Japanese vehicles to customers abroad. Now, RamaDBK is still searching some new ways to reach customers all other the world to fulfill their needs for high quality vehicles and parts.


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