Friday, April 26

New spare-parts specialist recruited by RamaDBK

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RamaDBK Spare Parts DepartmentThe demand for spare parts for imported Japanese vehicles has been increasing regularly for the past few years. Our spare parts specialist, Mr Kodama has managed to sell more and more parts abroad so that it had become necessary to hire a second person to keep pace with the large number of customers enquiries.

Mr Yano has begun working in RamaDBK from February 2011. He has been given training for 1 month since he arrived in RamaDBK and now he is finally ready to handle fully the requests of RamaDBK’s customers.

Mr Yano has been working for 10 years in several automobile equipment companies in Japan and has also managed some missions abroad in the automobile field.

He is happy to reply to the enquiries of our customers for spare parts. Do not hesitate to contact him to get your quotations. SPARE PARTS ORDER FORM


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