Saturday, April 20

RamaDBK organizes a Sri Lankan dinner for VIAL members in Yokohama office.

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As the vehicle importers of the VIAL (Vehicle Importers’ Association of Lanka) were returning to Sri Lanka the next day, RamaDBK president, Mr Jagath Ramanayake, has invited them to a dinner in the premises of RamaDBK company in Yokohama. After a whole week of business meetings and visits in Japan, it was an occasion for the group to meet one more time, to enjoy the party and to exchange more ideas. This time, some family members of the importers have also joined for the dinner. Mr Ramanayake has ordered traditional food from a renowned Sri Lankan restaurant in Yokohama area, so that everybody could enjoy the meal without being disoriented by unknown food.

The importers of the VIAL were delighted with the welcome they have received from our president Mr Ramanayake, and they have come back to Sri Lanka very grateful for all his efforts in organizing their visit in Japan. There is no doubt that they are waiting the impatience their visit in Japan next year.


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