Thursday, May 2

Customer from Kenya very satisfied with his new van from RamaDBK.

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Boniface with his new van from RamaDBK

Boniface is loving motor vehicles since early childhood. Now, at his early thirties, he is the owner of a very successful medium size car dealership in the center of Kenya near Nairobi. He is importing vehicles on order for his customers or else he is reselling his own stock of popular Japanese cars in his city. Boniface was looking for a very good Toyota Hiace van but he was not finding the right vehicle on the Japanese advertising websites. He has contacted several companies, including RamaDBK. At this occasion, he has met with RamaDBK sales representative Imalka, and Boniface was impressed by her professional attitude and by her will to deliver the best service. Imalka has offered several Toyota Hiace vans corresponding exactly to the requirements of Boniface. He was very happy with the vehicle and he has decided to place the order. After a few weeks time Boniface was clearing the Toyota Hiace van in Mombasa port. He was so satisfied that he has sent us a picture of himself with his new van. He is also still in contact with Imalka for importing new vehicles.

RamaDBK is delivering high quality vehicles both to people who need a car for their personal use and to companies reselling vehicles on their local market. RamaDBK is giving the best service to all customers and is providing the right vehicles corresponding exactly to the customers’ needs. If you are thinking of importing a vehicle from Japan, please contact the sales team of RamaDBK, we will find the right solution for you.


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