Saturday, April 20

Director of USS Yokohama auctions site meets with CEO of RamaDBK Ltd.

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Mr Ramanayake, CEO of RamaDBK, with the president of USS Logistics company

RamaDBK is purchasing most of her vehicles in the Japanese professional vehicle auctions. Many different Auctions companies in Japan provide cheap and reliable vehicles.

USS Auto Auction is one of the biggest auction site in Japan, with several facilities all over Japan. USS Co.,Ltd. also a big auction site in Yokohama, the city where RamaDBK headquarters is located.

This week, Mr Akase, directing manager of USS Yokohama auctions site, has come to visit the CEO of RamaDBK, Mr Ramanayake. Both companies have  been working together for more than 20 years already, but contact at the top level is necessary to assure the best cooperation in the business. RamaDBK is engaged in a long term relationship with USS auctions to source and deliver the best vehicles for our customers all over the world. If you need a vehicle from Japan, the sales representatives of RamaDBK will offer you the best units appearing in USS auctions.


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