Saturday, April 20

Japanese journalists visit RamaDBK

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Japanese journalists visit RamaDBKMrs Fukuda, a journalist from NHK Broadcast Publishing, and Mr Ishii, a famous editorialist, have selected RamaDBK as the representative company for their article on the Japanese used vehicles export industry. They came to the office to meet with RamaDBK president, Mr Ramanayake. Following the interview, Mr Ramanayake brought both journalists to the auctions site in Yokohama to show them the large scale and the minute organization of the used vehicles dealership industry in Japan.

Mrs Fukuda and Mr Ishii were surprised to discover how RamaDBK is welcome with auction site staff after years of work together. Finally, they took their lunch in the auction site itself while dozens of vehicles of all size were showed to professionals and sold. RamaDBK is waiting impatiently for the publication of the work of Mrs Fukuda and Mr Ishii.


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