Wednesday, April 24

Customer from Canada visit RamaDBK

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Mr Samuel is a prominent dealer for cars and vans in Zimbabwe whereas he is actually living in Canada. He has been engaged in car trade from Japan to Zimbabwe for several years already but now, he is intending to develop his business further. That is why he has decided to come to Japan and to search for some new partners.

As he has seen on many occasions vehicles from RamaDBK on Internet before coming to Japan, RamaDBK is the first company he is visiting in the Tokyo area. Our sales representative, Mr Jon, has picked up Mr Samuel at the train station and brought him to the office of RamaDBK. Mr Jon has explained to Mr Samuel how to purchase some vehicles from the Japanese vehicle auctions and has shown him our auction room, where our two auction specialists are purchasing vehicles everyday all over Japan. Mr Samuel is delighted by  his visit in our office and, while he is flying back to Canada, there is no doubt that he will soon import many vehicles from RamaDBK.


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